"I Am Success" The World Class Speaker

"Your success is something the world cannot do without" ~ Corey P. Dunlap
Vision Pursuit Destination, LLC
(562) 27-EAGLE/ (562) 273-2453

World Class Motivational Speaker
P.O. Box 50233
Atlanta, GA 30302
Tel: (562) 27-EAGLE
(562) 273-2453
Email: eagletakeoff1@gmail.com
We are a company you can trust to deliver with confidence, quality and detail. It is our desire to provide you with inspirational and progressive seminars which will inspire you to set goals, achieve objectives and grasp dreams. We believe that if you can see it, you can achieve it. We would like to INVITE YOU to a place where you can now...touch your dreams, hold your goals and squeeze your objectives.
Please fill out the information requested below and let us know the nature of your request. Someone will get in touch with you within the next 24-48 hours. Remember, you are Success and I Am,
Corey P. Dunlap, World Class Speaker